Flower Club


Flower arrangement

Flower arrangement

We meet every month (except August) on the third Thursday at 7.30pm in the New Memorial Hall.

We have a demonstration five or six months of the year, occasional workshops and a Christmas meal and a summer garden evening make up the other meetings. Our workshops are self help groups with our more experienced members helping the novices. Some of the members exhibit at Area & National Shows and there is always the facility for members to go on to higher things if they wish.

At the beginning of December we have a Grand Exhibition, Sale and Coffee Morning to raise money for our nominated charity.

For further details please contact :- Shirley Green 01432 860247


Classes for beginners

There will be a series of FOUR classes at THE PAVILION, FOWNHOPE and Peggy Jury will be taking the classes.

Mechanics/Conditioning/Elements of Design/Basic Flower Arrangements

These will be on Thursday mornings from 10.30am to 12.30pm MARCH 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st 2016.

COST £20 for four classes.


It is not necessary to be a member of the Flower Club to join the classes. Anyone who is interested should contact Peggy Jury (01432 860558) or Margaret Reed (01432 870245)