Flicks in the Sticks

Having been under the umbrella of Leisure Five-0 for some years Fownhope Flicks became independent some 9 years ago, but is now one of the activities run by the New Memorial Hall.

It is, however, still very much part of Arts Alive.

On the first Friday of every month, excepting July and August, we show a film as current as possible, or sometimes a classic gentle or comedic British film.  It is nearly always on the first Friday of the month, the exceptions being New Year’s Day and Easter, the entrance fee is only £4.00 for adults and £2.50 for minors under 16. We provide Magnum ice creams at £1.50, or free tea or coffee in the interval.  We have now become a fixture on the social calendar of Fownhope and we need your support to keep this wonderful opportunity alive for everyone to enjoy.  


Fownhope New Memorial Hall


Doors open 7pm for 7.30m start   

How much?

Entry £4.00 for adults, £2.50 for under 16s

More information?

 If you would like any further information then please contact Morrison Sellar on 01432 860717 or morrisonsellar@gmail.com