Finance Group


In line with legislation preventing non-councillors to serve on Finance Committees (Local Government Act, 1972, s.102 (3)) members of the public are excluded from serving on this Working Group. It consists of up to five parish council members, including the Chairman and Vice-Chairman. and there is a temporary quorum of three (approved 12/7/23) (normally four).

Current members of the group are: Cllrs Tim Jones (Chair) Kevin Braybrook, Gareth Williams, Michael Short and Clair Patel, and Helen Tinson, Parish Clerk and RFO (Responsible Finance Officer).

Roles and responsibilities

The group has specific responsibilities to:

  • Undertake budget preparations including review of current contracts and commitments (September/October).

  • Produce a draft budget for council consideration (October). 

  • Consult residents via Flag, face book, websites.

  • Seek budget confirmation at the December parish council meeting.  

  • Monitor the budget (at least bi-annually).

  • Ensure Financial Controls are reviewed and up to date including asset register, risk assessments, internal controls.

  • Consider External and Internal Audit Reports and advise on recommendations made.

  • Respond to finance consultations and developments

A written report with recommendations will always be presented to the full council for approval. The Working Group will meet initially by the end of June and quarterly thereafter as required.